Monday 16 April 2012

Minotaurs Tactical Squad - Badab War - Finished

More work on my Minotaurs, here I have started to paint in the details namely the shoulder pads, weapons, seals and the sergeants face. I have deliberately not used the same colour scheme as the Official version for the boltguns as I feel that it is way to much bronze and red on the model already. Instead I have painted the boltguns in the usual black and gunmetal scheme and I used the red on one shoulder pad only, almost a spot colour rather than a main colour. I think this is more striking than the traditional version.

This is what they look like from the back.

The pictures above show the details now with some highlights and shadows added.

Below are the completed squad in all their glory!!!

Hope you like them.



  1. Great work on these fellas, old boy!

  2. The verdigris is a little heavy for my liking, but overall they are very good. They look excellent grouped as a squad, top notch work on these.
