Tuesday 29 May 2012

Creating Your Own Chapter - Aurelius Legion - Merry Go Round

My project of creating my own Space Marine Chapter was put on hold several months ago mainly due to the fact that after many incantations I still wasn't totally sold on my colour scheme ( see picture below ). Recently I have been working on my Minotaurs project and after painting up the bronze armour I thought that maybe I could apply it to my Aurelius Legion as a replacement for the yellow ( see picture above ). For the Bronze process see my Minotaur posts. Overall I think this is an improvement over the yellow and will repaint the rest of my force to see how it works .


 I decide to try this out on my Dreadnought and here are some WIP shots.

The final product.

Let me know if you think its better or worse.



  1. You don't see that many Bronze marines out there, but yelow ones are a dime-a-dozen. They look great to me, but are you sure you'll be able to paint so much bronze without getting bored so soon after the Minotaurs?

    1. You are correct, there are many chapters around with yellow in them.I just want to be able look at my guys and feel a connection to them, something I am not getting with the yellow scheme!

  2. I like the bronze very much.

  3. I agree, I think the bronze produces a much more striking color scheme.
