Sunday 8 May 2016

Sons of Horus - Horus Heresy - Betrayal at Calth - Finished

All that was needed was to add washes and highlights and clean up any mistakes. The picture above shows the whole squad with the Lieutenant from a previous post.

These guys are finished and look pretty sweet. I loved the look of my Nightlords but I think these are even better.

This is the squad without the Lieutenant.

If I wasn't in a jam trying to decide which army to pursue, this is even worse.

Great place to be...might have to collect them all.



  1. Beautiful work! I just picked up that box, and been going back and forth on the 30k forces. Finally settled on emperors children!

    1. Emperors Children are very nice looking as a pre-heresy army, look forward to seeing your progress.

  2. Great paint job! ^_^ This boxset came very close to making me buy GW stuff again. I might still do it if the budget permits.

    1. It is one of the best box sets GW has put out so far. I might buy a second one myself.

    2. Agree...i didn't realize the marines were not snap fit like the assault on black reach. They are individual torso's, arms, legs, heads. Just the 30 marines is an absolute steal, as you could easily combine them with 40k to really cut the cost on some mini boxes.
