Sunday 9 September 2018

Bolt Action - German Tiger 1 - WIP2

I have manged to get a bit more hobby time and have been working on the camoflage scheme.

The base brown camouflage was a 50/50 mix of Middlestone and Chocolate Brown and a 70/30 Chocolate Brown and Middlestone mix for the center part of the camouflage.

The green was a 50/50 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone as a base then a 70/30 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone for the center of the camouflage.

All that is left to do is paint the details like tracks etc.



  1. Beautitull camo painting !
    Bravo !

  2. Nice colors on the camouflage scheme. Good progress so far! I'm doing one myself on a 1944 King Tiger but they seem to be coming off a tad dull, oh well.

    1. Thanks for the comment, try the two tone system I use it helps accentuate the camo pattern.

    2. Not familiar with the 'two-tone' system but I'll look that one up for sure.
