Friday, 25 November 2011

Creating a Space Marine Chapter - Aurelius Legion Captain

Here is the final piece of my initial work on creating my own chapter and their colour scheme. I painted up this guy after my two Tactical Squads, Dreadnaught and Terminators but haven't managed to show him yet as I was distracted with my weathering testing which by the way is still on-going and in the not to distant future some posts will go up to show how they turned out.

To recap the paints used are as follows :

Black undercoat.

Armour - Chaos Black with hard edge highlight of Codex Grey with final Ghostly Grey edge.

Shoulder Pads and Arms - base coat of Scorched Brown with several thin coats of Bubonic Brown finished off with a wash, in the recesses only, of Ogryn Flesh .

Cloak / Cape outside - Red Built up from Scab Red to Red Gore with a highlight of Blood Red. washed down with mix of Ogryn Flesh and Devland Mud.

Cloak / Cape inside - I didn't want the stark white and went for a Bleached Bone finish built up over several layers.

I think this is my best work yet and was very happy with the way he turned out. However every time I look at the picture or the model I think I can improve him still. I guess I might go back and improve the shading on the Yellow armour as per Ron's ( From the Warp) suggestions on of these days.

Well enjoy the rest of the pictures and let me know what you think of him.


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Minotaurs- Badab War - Finished

Finally all done!!

All I needed to do to the body of the model was finish the writing on the scroll which I did with a micron pen, works great. Added grass to the base then it was only the head left to do.

With the head I tried something new, for me, which was to accomplish a cooler skin tone, usually I go for the browns as bases followed by dwarf flesh and wash with Ogryn Flesh but this time I washed the face with a blueish / purplish wash which I made up from a mix of Asurmen Blue and Baal Red. It was a learning curve for me and I think it would be better next time if I used a grey mix in my skin tones.

Well here are the rest of the pictures. Enjoy!


Sunday, 13 November 2011

Minotaurs - Badab War - On the Painting Table Part 4

Well almost done.

To finalize the armour I have washed the Boltgun metal areas with Chaos Black and the Bronze armour with thinned down Thraka Green. The parchment was washed with a thinned down Ogryn Flesh wash. I have also highlighted the red areas with Blood Red.          

Now the critical part of the Minotaurs look, the VERDIGRIS. My mix for the verdigris was achieved by using a mix of Thraka Green wash and watered down Jade Green paint. This I applied carefully to the recesses only. I think it came out pretty well.

Hopefully all done by the next post.


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Minotaurs - Badab War - On the Painting Table Part 3

Some more progress on my Minotaur Sergeant. I have built up the layers of red with Red Gore, the parchment with Bleached Bone. I highlighted the black of the boltgun with Codex Grey. I have deliberately not painted the boltgun in the Forge World  red, bronze and metal scheme as I felt these colours were already to dominant on the model and opted for a muted black and metal scheme. I have also done some work on the base. All in all its coming along nicely.

More soon.


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Minotaurs - Badab War - On the painting Table Part 2

I managed to get some more done on my Minotaur Sergeant these last few days. I have started to fill in the other colours with Boltgun Metal for the metal areas like the joints between the armour and the icons. The purity seals I have used a base of Dark Angels Green followed by a highlight of Goblin Green. The parchment is Bubonic Brown over Bestial Brown. The red trim is a base coat of Scab Red.

Let me know what you think so far. Enjoy!